The below resources can be used to file a complaint for incidents of discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual violence (including dating/domestic violence and stalking). Use of these online or PDF forms are not required in order to submit a complaint.
File A Complaint Online *Updated December 2020*
The Office for the Prevention of Harassment & Discrimination offers an online reporting form. Starting December 2020, the online report form will link to an external site hosted by the University of California & iSight.
Download A Discrimination/Harassment Complaint Form (PDF)
A .PDF document is available for download. The completed document can be submitted to the Compliance Office via email, mail, or dropped off in person. Instructions for submitting the complaint can be found on this form.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding discrimination, harassment, or sexual harassment please contact:
Michael Salvador
Director & Title IX OfficerOffice for the Prevention of Harassment & Discrimination
University of California, Merced
Phone: (209) 285-9510